Saturday 14 August 2010

Obama Stands With Sharia


It was expected, but it has now come to pass: President Borat Obama yesterday endorsed the Islamic supremacist inititiative, headed by a sharia-supporting imam, to build a gigantic mosque near the sacred ground of New York's Ground Zero - the place where Faisal Abdul Rauf's evil ideological brethren murdered thousands of innocent people nine years ago.

In this article, Frank Gaffney laments the President's dhimmitude, and reveals the vile "guest-list" at this year's Iftar dinner, which included:

- Ingrid Mattson, head of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a major terrorism funding case.

- Salam al-Marayati, president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) and supporter of Hizballah and Hamas.

- Dahlia Mogahed, adviser to Obama on Muslim affairs and advocate of sharia.

Gaffney concludes by framing the issues in terms of whether one stands for or against sharia, the former being a mark of shame and the latter being a stand in support of democratic secular governance and human rights - and his conclusion about Obama is shattering but unquestionably accurate:

"For Barack Obama, the answer is now pretty clear: He stands with shariah."

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