Sunday 1 November 2015

Islam's Mafia-Like Jizya Tax Reaches UK Prisons

Non-Muslim inmates in several of Britain's category A prisons are being forced to pay a "protection tax", known as jizya, to radical Muslim prisoners out of fear of facing violence, according to a team of government investigators appointed by justice secretary Michael Gove last August to establish the threat posed by Islamic extremists in prisons.

In a statement of astonishing ignorance, one Whitehall source told the Sunday Times that the tax may have been inspired by the actions of ISIS, who are well known to demand jizya from non-Muslims living in Syria and Iraq.

In actual fact, as even the usually hapless Daily Mail makes clear, they were inspired not just by ISIS, but by the Qur'an.

The jizya derives from the following verse of the Qur'an: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book [Jews and Christians], until they pay the Jizya [non-Muslim poll tax] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” (9:29)

The consensus view of the jizya in Islamic law is that it is a tax paid in lieu of being killed  – in other words, if the dhimmis (as those non-Muslims who "feel themselves subdued" under Islamic law are called) pay the jizya, then the Muslims promise not to kill them or take their property. The jurist al-Mawardi explained that the unbelievers “offer money in exchange for peace and cordial relations.” Payment is made annually and “should ensure a steady peace”. If the dhimmis refuse to pay the tax, “the peace no longer holds, the amnesty is lifted, and they are to be fought like the rest of the infidels.” Collection of the jizya is, in short, a form of blackmail comparable to Mafia protection money.

Jewish, Coptic, Syriac, Armenian and Serbian sources provide evidence that the jizya and the kharaj (a land tax often synonymous with jizya) were historically collected from children, widows, orphans, and even the dead. Tax collectors were accompanied by soldiers and inspectors, who all had to be lodged and fed for several days at the taxpayers' expense. Sometimes punishment and torture were used, although this was technically prohibited. All over the Muslim world, such brutal persecution forced many dhimmis to abandon their homes and become either exiles or slaves. Many also converted to Islam to spare themselves from the burden of the jizya, since once they became Muslims they did not have to pay it.

These phenomena are now being observed here in Britain. And in the words of Steve Gillan, general secretary of the prison officers’ association, "There is a massive issue about radicalisation and extremism and, to be fair, the prison service is trying to address it...Will it go away? No. I think the assumption is that it will get worse."

Import large amounts of Muslims into your country, and they start actually practising Islam in your country. Who would have guessed?

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