This piece at the International Analyst Network highlights the growing threat of "radical Islam" (i.e. Islam) in Greece. The article notes, among other things, the significant role of Turkey in importing a massive Muslim underclass into Europe:
The role of the emerging Islamic power of Turkey into managing the en mass movement from Islamic countries into the EU has been highlighted numerously over the past few months and it is of interest to make a note of the fact that regular flights are being organized between Rabat in Morocco and Algiers in Algeria to Istanbul so as to bring a sizeable number of nationals from those countries to Turkey and transport them thereafter to Greece-Bulgaria, en route to the EU.
The Islamic governance in Turkey has lifted travel regulations and visas with those countries, whilst it has no visa with Iran, thus promoting in effect the movement of Afghans and Pakistanis, as well as, Iranians into Europe.
It is important to note that mental Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan has stated that the assimilation of Muslim immigrants into European society is a "crime against humanity". The explicit purpose, therefore, of encouraging mass Muslim immigration into Europe is colonisation, and the substitution of the West's Judeo-Christian, post-Enlightenment values with Islamic ones, facilitating the first step in the transformation of Europe into the base for the new caliphate, as envisioned by the currently Turkish-led Organisation of the Islamic Conference.
The piece also provides evidence of the myriad negative effects of this Muslim immigation policy in Greece:
Since late 2008, there have been three major cases that show the tendency of creating a rising network of a quasi-radical Islamic element in the Greek society. The first was in the December 2008 riots, were approximately 50% of the people arrested were Pakistanis and Afghanis arrested, some of them claiming to the authorities that were paid in order to participate in the violent demonstrations.
The second development was the May 2009 so-called "Koran demonstrations", when a multicultural group of various Islamic communities in Athens took to the street allegedly claiming that the Police desecrated the Koran during a routine search in the pockets of a Syria street vendor.
It was later revealed that this particular individual was lying to the authorities and the press and was involved in various illegal actions including robberies. What was also proven, was that a network of NGO's were able to coordinate and finance the mobilization of the illegal Muslim community in Athens and claims have been made that they are financed by the organized crime which employs the desperate masses of Muslims in the country in conjunction with the intelligence apparatus of Islamic countries in Greece.
A third phase was the mass prayer of some 10,000 Muslims in the centre of Athens in October 2010, without attaining the necessary state permission for that. Amongst the organizers they were individuals associated with the Muslim Brotherhood and an Imam was brought by Egypt to commemorate the ending of the Ramadan.
Islam is on the rise everywhere, and while we may shudder to imagine what a Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Egypt may look like, what is of perhaps even more concern is what Europe already looks like. Many derided Bat Ye'or when her provocative and important book Eurabia came out, but each year that goes by proves her to be absolutely correct in her analysis.